Why go to all this work anyway?
The DTM Expo is a wonderful way to showcase your work to hundreds of festival participants, professional theatre practitioners, and schools. You will receive a response to your presentation from a professional designer or technician; potentially creating professional connections that will help you find future work placement.
Participating in the festival can be valuable to students as they collect and curate portfolio materials and begin interviews for summer work or theatre careers. Participants may approach creating portfolio and showcasing materials differently after a professional response.
From making contacts at the expo, some KCACTF DTM 7 participants have received internships, seasonal positions, and careers with Santa Fe Opera, Denver Center, Kennedy Center, and more.
See what other designers and artisans are doing! You may find that they are using programs, rendering styles/mediums, or materials that you are unfamiliar with! This is a great place to expand your knowledge of design creation and presentation.